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Information about Eye Exam in Victoria, BC

Optometrists in the directory of Victoria Optometric Association are trained to the highest standards in all aspects of eye health, including eye exams, to ensure long-term eye health. They help diagnose any problems before things become severe.

They also assist patients with eye emergencies, treatments and prescriptions for infections, inflammation, allergies and injuries. If you’re searching for eyeglasses or vision correction options in Victoria, BC, refer to our directory of eye doctors. You can locate a local optometrist.

Prevent Long-term Vision Damage with Regularly Scheduled Eye Exams

Eye exams should be conducted annually to prevent long-term vision damage. If you have a particular medical condition that affects your eyes, your optometrist may recommend more frequent vision exams. The required frequency of your eye exams usually increases with age. Your optometrist will be the best person to tell you how often you need to take these examinations.

Today’s modern eye exams go beyond health; optometrists can now look for signs of high blood pressure, diabetic damage, brain tumours, as well as glaucoma, cataracts and macular degeneration through eye exams.

While conducting eye exams for both children and adults, some of the things we look for are:

Eye/Hand Coordination
Peripheral Vision
Focusing Ability
Eye Movement
Eye Teaming (Binocularity)

Feel free to reach out to one of our optometrists at Victoria Optometric Association to know more about how the eye works or to schedule an eye exam so that you can take the necessary steps to maintain and improve your vision.

Children’s Vision

While many people associate poor vision with the ageing of the eyes, more than 25% of school-aged children have a visual impairment that may negatively affect their performance in school. It has been estimated that one out of every six schoolchildren diagnosed with a learning disability actually only has a visual impairment.

Some signs of visual impairment in toddlers are easy to miss. These may include:

Eye Rubbing
Excessive Blinking
Difficulty in Maintaining a Gaze (When Looking at Objects)
Poor Eye Tracking Skills

While a vision test is generally recommended for children at six months of age, it is especially important to get regular eye exams and check-ups if your child was born prematurely or there is a family history of vision problems. A routine eye exam ensures your children can perform their best in school – and on the playground. If your child is showing any symptoms listed above, you can book an appointment with an optometrist near you. You can also read our blog to find more tips and resources to help your child achieve their best vision. 

Health Factors

Any eye exam can help determine certain health risks and help you decide on the right path to take for further evaluation. Regular eye exams often help recognize the presence of a debilitating health condition before it becomes a full-blown problem and adversely affects the individual's life. Some conditions may require more frequent vision checkups. These include:

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

Benefits of Regular Eye Exams

The importance of comprehensive eye examinations goes beyond clear vision and eyesight. It is a big part of ensuring you live a comfortable and healthy life. Some common benefits of regular eye check-ups are:

Detecting and treating eye diseases like glaucoma and cataracts at the earliest before they become serious issues.
Helps detect other health conditions and recognize signs of serious undiagnosed problems such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, and even cancer.
Improving your vision will improve your performance at work and enhance your lifestyle in general.
Determine and treat colour blindness to help improve your overall health and quality of life.
Establish a secure relationship with your optometrist to be able to provide adequate long-term eye care.

How to Prepare for Your Eye Exam

Preparing for your eye exam in Victoria, BC, can help ensure that you get the most accurate assessment of your eye health and vision. Here are some steps you can take to be ready for your upcoming eye appointment:

Compile medical information: Before your eye exam, make a list of any current medications you're taking, including over-the-counter drugs and supplements. Inform your optometrist about any existing health conditions or allergies you have.

Know your family history: Some eye conditions, such as glaucoma and macular degeneration, can have a genetic component. If you're aware of any eye conditions that run in your family, share this information with your optometrist.

Note changes in vision: Keep track of any changes in your vision, even if they seem minor. This can include blurred vision, difficulty focusing, or any sudden changes in how you see colours or shapes.

Bring previous eyewear: If you already wear glasses or contact lenses, bring them with you to your appointment. Your optometrist may want to assess your current prescription and discuss any adjustments.

List concerns and questions: Prepare a list of questions or concerns you have about your eye health. This can include inquiries about specific symptoms, potential risks, or any changes you've noticed in your vision.

Dress comfortably: Wear comfortable clothing to your appointment, as you may need to sit still for some tests. Avoid wearing makeup or anything that could interfere with the examination process.

Plan for pupil dilation: If your optometrist plans to dilate your pupils during the exam, be aware that your vision may be temporarily sensitive to light afterward. Consider bringing sunglasses to ease any discomfort.

Arrange transportation: Pupil dilation can affect your ability to drive safely for a few hours. It's a good idea to arrange for someone to drive you home after the appointment if needed.

Know your insurance: Understand your vision insurance coverage and bring your insurance card with you. This will help ensure a smooth billing process.

Relax and communicate: During the exam, relax and communicate openly with your optometrist. If you have any discomfort or concerns during the tests, don't hesitate to let your optometrist know.

By taking these steps to prepare for your eye exam, you can contribute to a productive and informative appointment. The optometrist at Victoria Optometric Association will appreciate your proactive approach to your eye health, and you'll leave the exam with a clearer understanding of your vision and any necessary steps for maintaining or improving it.

Choosing the Right Glasses

Everyone is different, and we all need a specific lens to make our days more productive and clear. Whether you need to read, do computer work, or drive long distances, the role of an optometrist is to help you find the right solution for your daily needs. Skilled and experienced eye doctors in Victoria, BC, will help diagnose your issues and provide you with the required treatment to help you improve your eyesight.

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